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50 Things To Do Now You’re 50

So you’ve reached the big milestone – you’ve turned 50. Now what?

As well as taking stock of all of the sensible stuff like life insurance and retirement planning, turning 50 is the perfect time to accomplish the things you’ve wanted to do for ages but never got round to. Whether it’s learning a new language, conquering a fear or jumping out of a plane, throw caution to the wind and go for it! We’ve put together a bucket list of things we think people should do at least once in their lives.


  1. Learn to speak a new language fluently
  2. Write a novel
  3. Become a mentor to someone
  4. Give away something you love to someone you love
  5. Go on a road trip with friends
  6. Create your family tree
  7. Find an old school friend
  8. Become an expert in something you’ve always found interesting
  9. Dine out at a Michelin star restaurant
  10. Conquer one of your biggest fears
  11. Dramatically change your hairstyle
  12. Travel to an exotic destination
  13. Learn about your family history
  14. Scuba dive
  15. Test drive/ buy the car you’ve always wanted
  16. Master public speaking
  17. Learn to become an expert in something you’ve always found interesting
  18. Climb a mountain
  19. Splurge on something you’ve always wanted
  20. Go ziplining
  21. Learn an instrument
  22. Take a job that feels a bit outside your comfort zone
  23. Conquer one of your biggest fears
  24. Fly first class
  25. Go skydiving
  26. Repair something all by yourself
  27. Read that classic book you’ve faked having read for years
  28. Participate in a random act of kindness
  29. Create your own personal recipe book
  30. Start a blog
  31. Volunteer in the community
  32. Ride in a hot air balloon
  33. Forgive and let go of grudges
  34. Learn to paint
  35. Take out life insurance
  36. Go on a cruise to your favourite place
  37. See the Northern lights
  38. Ride an elephant
  39. Run a marathon
  40. Sleep under the stars
  41. Pay off all debts
  42. Get to know a stranger
  43. Track down a long-lost relative
  44. Visit relatives abroad
  45. Renew wedding vows
  46. Go on a safari
  47. Revisit your original honeymoon destination
  48. Take a cookery class
  49. Go on a trip by yourself
  50. Grow your own vegetables

Note: Whilst we take care to ensure Hub content is accurate at the time of publication, individual circumstances can differ so please don’t rely on it when making financial decisions.

Source: One Family —
Image credit — Kyle Hinkson